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Brand’s Genesis

Raiment 61’s inception stemmed from a dilemma that our customers faced - the lack of well-fitting locally-produced pants that are comfortable and easily available. In pursuit of the ideal fit, people only had two options: buy from international brands or consult tailors, both highly expensive and time-consuming options for most people.

In order to bridge this gap in the market, we realized our goal to offer a solution that combines the best of all worlds – superior quality pants with an impeccable fit, tailored to various preferences without the customary waiting time.

Once the need for the brand was realized, the quest for conceiving the perfect name began. “Raiment 61” is an amalgamation of two words - ‘raiment’ which refers to garments while ‘61’ depicts the city code of Multan and also symbolizes good fortune as per numerology.

Our pants are crafted locally in the heart of South Punjab, Multan, within our state-of-the-art facility, MG Apparel. It is a highly sustainable site where we not only produce our pants through eco-friendly processes but also empower female-majority workforce through an inclusive environment and ethical working conditions.


Beyond Sophistication

Raiment 61 was inspired by the concept of designing pants that have a story to tell, going a step beyond sophistication.

Style can be so much more meaningful than what meets the eye - you can communicate your vibe, your persona, the ‘you’ that you wish to present to the world out there with what you choose to wear.

We set on a journey to create pants that elevate your outfit while subtly narrating your style story for every occasion, whether casual or formal. When you wear Raiment 61, you choose a lifestyle where being stylish is not just about expressing yourself but also priding yourself in holding values such as sustainability and community empowerment.

Every wardrobe deserves a collection of pants that can adapt to every occasion, whether casual or formal.


Crafted With Open Arms

Every piece reflects our love for our customers.

We religiously believe that the best designs come from empathizing with the needs and desires of our beloved customers. Every stitch in our pants weaves a tale of its own, with you, the end user, being the protagonist in the unfolding story of our designs. From the initial concept to the final product, our dedicated team creates beautifully silhouetted pants that make a statement and accentuate your personality.

Crafted With Love

Every piece reflects our love for our customers.
We religiously believe that the best designs come from empathizing with the needs and desires of our beloved customers. Every stitch in our pants weaves a tale of its own, with you, the end user, being the protagonist in the unfolding story of our designs. From the initial concept to the final product, our dedicated team creates beautifully silhouetted pants that make a statement and accentuate your personality.


Quality First, Always

We believe in versatility that transcends seasons. From tailored trousers to keep you looking sharp for formal events to chinos, paper bag pants and cargos to elevate you on casual occasions, our pants adapt to your style.

Comfort is at the heart of our designs. We believe that style is incomplete without the ease of wear, which is why the use of breathable fabrics forms a fundamental part of our designs. We also prioritize quality as a core value driving our production because no matter how aesthetically pleasing a garment may be, it is longevity and durability that truly defines its worth.


Keeping It Green

We take pride in minimizing our environmental footprint through multiple initiatives. From utilizing solar based electricity, to implementing environmentally safe dyes and treating our wastewater in-house for restricting harmful chemical discharge, every aspect of our manufacturing process is geared towards a greener future. We go a step even further by designing pants that withstand the test of time, reducing the need for frequent replacements and contributing to a greener fashion industry.

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